Scorecard builder

Build your reviews in your own way

Effortlessly make and remake your review grids. Integrate competencies and criteria that make sense for your teams, resonate with your culture, and work for your business.

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Customize reviews to fit your company culture

Boosting performance begins with assessing the right things in reviews.
Give your teams review scorecards that lift them up, not drag them down.

Start off by simply filling a review name

Choose a name that provides clarity, aligns with the organization's values, and fosters a perception of growth among participants.


Define categories and situations

Fill criteria that you deem essential for evaluation:

  • Values that resonate with your culture
  • Skills and behaviors you would like to blossom
  • Product knowledge & technical expertise to be mastered

Organize them into categories that bring structure and clarity.

Define your rating scale

Provide every situation with a descriptive rating and a numerical score.

Ensure your scoring system reflects your company culture (for example by integrating bonuses for outstanding achievements) and aligns with the realities on the ground, so it doesn't end up disengaging and demoralizing.

Integrate compliance if needed

Customize compliance assessment to fit your organization's needs.

Integrate compliance evaluation into each of your reviews, either in a dedicated category or embedded within the situations of all categories.

Or, you can choose to separate your compliance and quality management processes and have a specific compliance review scorecard.

Don’t leave any blind spot

Repeat the process to ensure coverage of all your channels, organizational units, products..

Determine the most effective approach according to your context : Build multiple micro-assessments or 360° reviews. Make them about one specific areas, such as technical skills, behavioral competencies, or design them to cover multiple areas at once.

Build scorecards that engage your teams, not just checklists

Flexible and easy-to-design review builder that empower you to navigate your customer journey with adaptability and get everyone on board.